Our Workshops are relatable, engaging and designed for mostly high school students and performing arts schools. Select a workshop for your unit of work and we will do the rest. We also offer artist in residency programs, directing large scale musicals, motivational speaking and custom workshops to tailor to your needs. Book for 2023 now...
Verbatim/Storytelling Workshop

A practical workshop that delves into storytelling and Verbatim Theatre.
This workshop will take a look at a real modern story relatable to teenagers and show the importance of verbatim theatre in sharing dramatic meaning to a community.
- Perfect in preparation for the dramatic concept assessment or the performance task with a clear intro into verbatim theatre & style. Can be tailored to either assessment, depending on where you are at in your program.
Time | 70-90 mins
Who | Grades 9 – 12
Where | In schools
Cost | $15 per student (Min 10)
Curriculum Link | Unit 1 Share, Verbatim Theatre, Storytelling, Realism.
Realism Workshop

A practical workshop that takes a look into the world of Realism in its purest form.
This workshop will use a range of modern realism texts to explore Stanislavsky's methods. This workshop is perfect for grades 8 - 12 and can be tailored to suit any age.
Workshop includes: scene work, realism conventions, performances, Stanislavsky overview, practitioner led activities.
Time | 70-90 mins
Who | Grades 8 – 12
Where | In schools
Cost | $15 per student (Min 10)
Curriculum Link | Unit 2 Reflect, Realism, Suitable for Junior Drama & Drama & Practice as well.
Absurd Workshop

A practical workshop that goes through a range of absurd activities to get students familiar with style.
This workshop will use a range of activities and scenes to explore absurd style. Excellent workshop to off for a new unit of work or bring some fresh ideas to your teachings. This workshop is perfect for grades 10-12.
Workshop includes: activities, teacher in role, movement sequences and scene work.
Time | 70-90 mins
Who | Grades 10 – 12
Where | In schools
Cost | $15 per student (Min 10)
Curriculum Link | Unit 3 Challenge, Absurd Theatre
Contemporary Theatre Workshop

A practical workshop that takes a look into the world of contemporary theatre.
This workshop will use a modern language version of one of Shakespeares classics or popular text for younger grades so students can learn the style of contemporary theatre.
Workshop includes: warm up, ensemble development, refining chorus, movement sequences, elements of physical theatre and contemporary theatre conventions.
Time | 70-90 mins
Who | Grades 9 – 12
Where | In schools
Cost | $15 per student (Min 10)
Curriculum Link | Unit 4 Transform, Realism/Contemporary Theatre, Suitable for Junior Drama & Drama & Practice as well.
External Exam Workshop

An essential workshop for your students before they sit their final drama exam.
This workshop will help give students the opportunity to achieve top marks on their drama exam. Facilitator will give tools for planning time, elements of drama, conventions, structure and forming the dramatic meaning with easy structure.
Workshop includes: Mini exam booklet for students to keep, writing activities, practical activities, group work, brainstorming.
Time | 70-90 mins or over a few key sessions recommended.
Who | Grades 11 – 12
Where | In schools
Cost | $25 per student (Min 10)
Curriculum Link | Unit 4 Transform, Exam Preparation, Suitable for year 11 & 12 drama.
Children's Theatre Workshop

A practical workshop that allows students to make a mini production to perform.
This workshop will use author Bliss Coster's children's book Stormy & Me go to the zoo in a practical whole class mini production format. Put together a mini play and a text will be left for the teacher to continue - class song can be added if needed.
Time | 70-90 mins
Who | Grades Primary & Middle Years 5 – 8
Where | In schools
Cost | $15 per student (Min 10)
Teacher copy of text | $24.99
Curriculum Link | Storytelling, Children's Theatre, Ensemble, Performance Skills & Primary/Middle Years Drama.
Music Songwriting Workshop

A practical workshop that allows students to create music and begin their journey into songwriting.
Workshop focuses mostly on popular music and the simplicity of writing lyrics. Quick overview of basic rhyming structures and allows students of all abilities to write songs. Teacher led songwriting if needed and lots of practical time.
Time | 70-90 mins
Who | Grades 7-12
Where | In schools
Cost | $15 per student (Min 10)
Curriculum Link | Music in practice classes and grades 7-10 music.
Career in the Arts - Guest Speaker

Bliss will share her colourful and interesting life after high school Bliss which has led her to have a successful career in the arts industry. From studying Theatre in Los Angeles for four years on a schloarship and working at movie world, to working in marketing, events, retail, sales, education, management, the corporate world, musical theatre, commercials, television and now owning two businesses as an entrepreneur and publishing 4 plays & a children's book. A clear message that there is no right or wrong career choice as a creative entrepreneur.
Perfect for career expo's, subject selections, motivational talks for peer support or with students who are struggling.
Time | 30-60 mins
Who | Grades 10-12
Where | In schools
Cost | $150 per hour